Auditions and Scholarships Regulation
First Level Academic Diploma in Acting – DADPL02
Access to the course is open to all Italian and foreign citizens with a regular residence permit who have reached the age of majority and hold an upper secondary school diploma or another qualification obtained abroad and recognised as suitable by the BSMT in accordance with international agreements.
The performance of two pieces from memory taken from musicals, one in Italian and the other possibly in English, one up tempo and one ballad so that the commission can assess how the rhythmic differences are dealt with.
It is necessary to have the musical base on a USB stick (2 different USB sticks, one of which must be in reserve). The use of a microphone is not foreseen.
The performance from memory of a monologue in Italian taken from a theatre text of your choice, classic or contemporary (Shakespeare, Goldoni, Ibsen, Pirandello, etc.).
Boys are not allowed to present monologues by female characters and vice versa.
The execution of a choreographic sequence of the style you are most familiar with, keeping the degree of difficulty according to the level (beginner, intermediate, advanced).
It is advisable to bring a change of clothes, so as to wear comfortable clothing for the dance rehearsal. It is necessary to bring the music base on a USB stick (2 different USB sticks, one of which is in reserve).
A solfeggio test (for intermediate and advanced levels in this subject) to determine the candidates’ level of previous musical preparation.
A motivational interview lasting approximately 20 minutes.
The panel will consist of at least three tenured BSMT Teachers from the Acting, Singing and Dance Areas and the Director Shawna Farrell and will last a total of 30 minutes.
In order to participate in the auditions, it is necessary to fill out in full the pre-enrolment form at the bottom of this page.
Once the form has been filled in and sent, the Secretariat will contact the candidate by e-mail within five days of sending the application to confirm the audition date and send all the details and documents relating to the audition.
After receiving the confirmation e-mail from the Secretariat, it will then be necessary to pay the audition registration fee (€35) and send a copy of the transfer by e-mail within 10 days of receiving the Secretariat’s confirmation. The candidate will not be considered enrolled for the audition if he/she does not send a copy of the payment within the deadline.
Within 5 days of the audition, the candidate will receive the result of the test by e-mail. In the event of admission, the student must make a deposit to confirm enrolment, within 5 days of receiving the above-mentioned e-mail. If the admitted candidate decides not to formalise the enrolment for any reason whatsoever, the deposit will not be refunded.
Within five working days following each audition date, the ranking list with the list of admitted candidates and those not admitted will be published on the BSMT website. Should some admitted candidates drop out, the eligible candidates not admitted according to the ranking list will be called (see also CALL BACK section).
The Bernstein School of Musical Theatre will make some merit-based scholarships and some income-based scholarships available for the academic year 2022-2023.
For more information, please visit the dedicated page: RATES AND SCHOLARSHIPS.
Following the audition, some candidates may be “ineligible not admitted”.
Eligible non-admitted candidates are placed on a waiting list and will be called back for a call-back at a date following the audition itself.
Candidates who have to appear for the call-back will be given time to prepare again following the instructions given by the committee.
There is no second audition fee for all candidates who have been called for a call-back.
To participate in the audition, a non-refundable fee of € 35.00 must be paid.
Before payment, candidates are kindly requested to fill in the pre-registration form on this page and to wait for the confirmation of registration with the Secretariat.
The payment of the fee is equivalent to the actual booking of your participation in the audition and must be received well in advance, agreeing the timing with the Secretariat.
The fee must be paid by bank transfer with the following coordinates
IBAN CODE: EN 15B0 50340 2435 0000 0000 0788
Reason: audition participation fee + Candidate’s Name and Surname.
During the audition day, the roll call is updated. As a rule, you should arrive at least one hour before the scheduled appointment with all the necessary material: dance clothing, music backing tracks for the singing and dancing rehearsal in MP3 format on a USB stick (2 different USB sticks, one of which is a spare) or on a Smartphone with an audio cable.
Make sure that only the material you are submitting for the BSMT is in the folder, NOT mixed with other material.
Bring Curriculum Vitae (generalities, address, telephone and email contacts, studies in the school and artistic fields, personal interests) accompanied by 4 passport photos.
First Level Academic Diploma in Acting
A.A. 2023-2024
January 22, 2023 – MILAN (Area Dance)
February 25, 2023 – BOLOGNA
March 25, 2023 – BOLOGNA
April 22, 2023 – BOLOGNA
June 10, 2023 – BOLOGNA
July 8, 2023 – BOLOGNA
For more information:
Phone at: tel/fax +39 051 3140192
Or send an email to: